
trigalight is a brand owned by the Swiss microtechnology company mb-microtec ag, based in Niederwangen near Bern. mb-microtec ag is the inventor and global market leader in the development and production of the unique self-powered illumination technology. The technology is primarily used in the tactical, watch, security, automotive, aerospace and aeronautical industries.
trigalight is a unique self-powered illumination technology with the world’s smallest gaseous tritium light sources (GTLS), which deliver luminescence for decades without any external energy source.
A trigalight consists of a glass capillary, the inside of which is coated with a luminescent powder (zinc sulphide) and filled with tritium gas. The glass capillaries are available in different colours, shapes and sizes. Their smallest possible outer diameter is currently 0.30 mm, so-called hairlights.


trigalight works similar to a cathode ray tube, which was once used in television screens. The luminescent coating (zinc sulphide) on the inside of the glass capillaries has the ability to transform the kinetic energy of the electrons into light. The energy is generated by the added tritium gas. The tritium nucleus slowly decays, emitting electrons in the process. When the electrons hit the coating, energy in the form of light is emitted. The colour variations of trigalight depend on the diversity of coatings. The luminescence of the light sources is proportional to the filling pressure (quantity of gas).
- In-house–developed self-powered illumination technology
- Smallest gaseous tritium light source
- Requires no external energy source
- Delivers luminescence for decades
- Temperature-resistant
- 10 years’ light guarantee
- Maintenance-free
- Selection of different colours, shapes and sizes